Scalp Micropigmentation

Thinking Of Scalp Micropigmentation?

This happy client has just had his first session of Scalp Micropigmentation completed. He had his hair a bit long when he came in so

norwood scale for hairloss
Scalp Micropigmentation

What Is The Norwood Scale?

The Norwood scale is a set of images used to measure the extent of male pattern baldness. Men suffering hair loss lose their hair in

Treat alopecia with SMP
Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation For Alopecia

Alopecia Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune condition that causes cells to attack the hair follicles, resulting in sudden unexpected hair loss on the scalp

Scalp Micropigmentation

Should You Train In Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation Training Scalp micropigmentation has become the world’s leading hair loss solution. This treatment is changing the lives of people across the world, giving

After care for scalp micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare

Anyone that gets scalp micropigmentation treatment is going to experience fading. Everyone will need to get a touch up usually between 4 and 8 years,

2nd session Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation

SMP Result Session 2

This is our clients second session. He had a fare amount of sun damage to his head and needed SMP to his whole head. We

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