This client from Carlisle Perth has just completed his final session of scalp micropigmentation.
It took us 3 sessions of Scalp Micropigmentation to get him the look he wanted.
The redness will subside in 24hrs.
He was so happy he made a video testimonial for us.

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) takes about 2 – 4 sessions to achieve the desired look of a full head of shaved hair.
Each session can last between 2 – 4hrs depending on the area being treated.
Sessions are spaced between 7 – 10 days apart to allow for the pigmentation to settle, so we can create a natural affect.
SMP For Men in Perth is a non-invasive treatment, there is very little pain and no downtime.
Scalp Micropigmentation or hair tattoo as it is known has become a effective method to replicate the appearance of tiny hair follicles.
There is nearly always a bit of redness after each session, but this will subside after a few hours.
Every SMP treatment is completely customized to the clients needs, we aim to give you the look that you are after.
This client in Perth has had a life changing experience having SMP for his hair loss.
if you would like to book in for a free consultation or send us some pictures of your hairloss for a quote.
Then please contact us now thanks.